12,672 research outputs found

    Magnetic Properties of Dilute Alloys: Equations for Magnetization and its Structural Fluctuations

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    The dilute Heisenberg ferromagnet is studied taking into account fluctuations of magnetization caused by disorder. A self-consistent system of equations for magnetization and its mean quadratic fluctuations is derived within the configurationally averaged two-time temperature Green's function method. This system of equations is analised at low concentration of non-magnetic impurities. Mean relative quadratic fluctuations of magnetization are revealed to be proportional to the square of concentration of impurities.Comment: 16 pages, LaTe

    Dimerization-Induced Fermi-Surface Reconstruction in IrTe2

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    We report a de Haas-van Alphen (dHvA) oscillation study on IrTe2 single crystals showing complex dimer formations. By comparing the angle dependence of dHvA oscillations with band structure calculations, we show distinct Fermi surface reconstruction induced by a 1/5-type and a 1/8-type dimerizations. This verifies that an intriguing quasi-two-dimensional conducting plane across the layers is induced by dimerization in both cases. A phase transition to the 1/8 phase with higher dimer density reveals that local instabilities associated with intra-and interdimer couplings are the main driving force for complex dimer formations in IrTe2.X11149sciescopu

    Controlled release of human growth hormone fused with a human hybrid Fc fragment through a nanoporous polymer membrane

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    Nanotechnology has been applied to the development of more effective and compatible drug delivery systems for therapeutic proteins. Human growth hormone (hGH) was fused with a hybrid Fc fragment containing partial Fc domains of human IgD and IgG(4) to produce a long-acting fusion protein. The fusion protein, hGH-hyFc, resulted in the increase of the hydrodynamic diameter (ca. 11 nm) compared with the diameter (ca. 5 nm) of the recombinant hGH. A diblock copolymer membrane with nanopores (average diameter of 14.3 nm) exhibited a constant release rate of hGH-hyFc. The hGH-hyFc protein released in a controlled manner for one month was found to trigger the phosphorylation of Janus kinase 2 (JAK2) in human B lymphocyte and to exhibit an almost identical circular dichroism spectrum to that of the original hGH-hyFc, suggesting that the released fusion protein should maintain the functional and structural integrity of hGH. Thus, the nanoporous release device could be a potential delivery system for the long-term controlled release of therapeutic proteins fused with the hybrid Fc fragment.X111313sciescopu

    Whispering-gallery-modelike-enhanced emission from ZnO nanodisk

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    Hexagonal nanodisks of ZnO were fabricated by a solution process using ZnO nanoparticles and their cathodoluminescence characteristics were investigated. Monochromatic cathodoluminescence images showed that luminescence was spatially localized near the boundary of the nanodisk and spectral analysis in conjunction with the intensity profile consistently ascribed the spatial localization of luminescence to whispering-gallery-modelike-enhanced emission.open117682sciescopu

    Successive spin-flop transitions of a Neel-type antiferromagnet Li2MnO3 single crystal with a honeycomb lattice

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    We have carried out high magnetic field studies of single-crystalline Li2MnO3, a honeycomb lattice antiferromagnet. Its magnetic phase diagram was mapped out using magnetization measurements at applied fields up to 35 T. Our results show that it undergoes two successive meta-magnetic transitions around 9 T fields applied perpendicular to the ab plane (along the c* axis). These phase transitions are completely absent in the magnetization measured with the field applied along the ab plane. In order to understand this magnetic phase diagram, we developed a mean-field model starting from the correct Neel-type magnetic structure, consistent with our single crystal neutron diffraction data at zero field. Our model calculations succeeded in explaining the two meta-magnetic transitions that arise when Li2MnO3 enters two different spin-flop phases from the zero field Neel phase.open1187Nsciescopu

    Cloning and characterization of 5 '-upstream region of human phospholipase C-beta 2 gene

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    5 ' -upstream region of the phospholipase C-beta2 gene, 810 bp, was cloned and characterized. S1 nuclease mapping and primer extension analyses revealed that a single transcriptional start site locates at 284 nucleotides upstream from the beginning of translation. The 5 ' -upstream region lacks both TATA motif and typical initiator sequence, but retains CC-rich segment. Two putative regulatory regions, a negative region (-636/-588) and a positive region (-98/-13) were identified in the upstream region of PLC-beta2 gene. We suggest that the transcription of PLC-beta2 may be regulated by binding of regulatory proteins to the negative and/or positive regulatory regions located in the upstream of the geneopen

    Letter to the Editor—Journal of Cardiovascular Translational Research

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    This issue’s focus on women and cardiovascular medicine is timely and critically important. Recently published studies have underscored, yet again, that cardiovascular disease research must more effectively and aggressively target women if it is to produce results that lead to improved prevention and early detection, accurate diagnosis, and proper treatment for women. Specifically, one study found that women have been underrepresented in NIH-supported cardiovascular randomized controlled trials conducted in the past 10 years, despite a 1993 federal law requiring clinical trials to include a significant proportion of women [1]. Possible reasons for this failure are varied, ranging from a lack of information about the availability of clinical trials by women patients and their healthcare providers to study designs that exclude women heart patients due to their medical conditions, medications, or history. Pragmatic concerns by women patients about how participation in a clinical trial will affect their health insurance coverage and the logistical difficulties of transportation and childcare also have an adverse effect on participation rates [2]. The impact of failing to overcome these barriers and significantly increasing the number of women in clinical trials has contributed to a substantial deficit of gender-based knowledge about everything from the “typical ” heart attack symptoms in women to the risks and benefits of commonly used diagnostic tests and therapies [3]. Exacerbating this problem are the serious lapses in the U.S

    Detection of Heparin in the Salivary Gland and Midgut of Aedes togoi

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    Mosquitoes secrete saliva that contains biological substances, including anticoagulants that counteract a host's hemostatic response and prevent blood clotting during blood feeding. This study aimed to detect heparin, an anticoagulant in Aedes togoi using an immunohistochemical detection method, in the salivary canal, salivary gland, and midgut of male and female mosquitoes. Comparisons showed that female mosquitoes contained higher concentrations of heparin than male mosquitoes. On average, the level of heparin was higher in blood-fed female mosquitoes than in non-blood-fed female mosquitoes. Heparin concentrations were higher in the midgut than in the salivary gland. This indicates presence of heparin in tissues of A. togoi.X111Ysciescopu